Cell Stress accepted in Pubmed Central
It is with great pleasure that we announce the inclusion of Cell Stress in Pubmed Central (PMC). Our journal has passed a rigorous evaluation and, since the end of June 2019, all articles (also retrospectively starting from the first issue) are archived and searchable through PMC and PubMed. With this coverage, papers published in Cell Stress will be more visible and reach more readers.
This great achievement would not have been possible without the work of our editors, the high quality submissions of all our authors, and the commited help of all referees involved during the past 2 years. We are most grateful for their support. Having reached this milestone, the next step in establishing the journal will be to pursue a high impact factor. Thus, we ask you to further continue supporting Cell Stress as readers, reviewers, editors, and authors to further accompany us in this endeavor.