The Journal

  1. About the content
  2. General publication policies
  3. Archiving and indexing

About the content

Cell Stress is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes exceptionally relevant research works that address any molecular, mechanistic, phenotypic, or otherwise relevant element that contributes to the understanding of cellular pathology. Thus, Cell Stress aims at promoting cell biology research applied to major human diseases, including (but not limited to) neurodegenerative diseases, myopathies, mitochondriopathies, infectious diseases, cancer and pathological aging. Submitted works may encompass fundamental, translational and/or clinical research and be applicable to the investigation, classification, diagnosis and therapeutic management of major human diseases. The publication is intended for international scientists, educators and policy makers as well as for any individual around the world interested in the results obtained in the cellular pathology research community. >> Back to top

General publication policies

As a web-based journal, Cell Stress is committed to fast publication. Therefore, as of 2024 (volume 11), Cell Stress publishes its accepted articles on a continuous basis according to the article’s publication time point and is thus independent from an issue-structured system. As of 2024, an article is thus identified with its volume (that corresponds to the year of publication) and the page numbering. In addition to several types of primary research papers, Cell Stress also publishes different formats of review and commentary articles. Please learn more about our article types.

Cell Stress is published by Shared Science Publishers OG and adheres to the open-access concept, which allows unrestricted access and reuse of published scientific material to any individual around the world. This enables the acquisition and exchange of ideas and scientific advancements for scientists, educators and individuals in a manner that is independent from economic barriers. That is why Cell Stress applies the Creative Commons Attribution License to all published material. Please learn more about Cell Stress’ commitment to open access and the Creative Commons Attribution License. The expenses that arise from providing open access are partly recovered by charging a publication fee to the authors or research sponsors upon publication of an article. Learn more about our publication fees. However, we have developed a fee waiver program for authors from developing countries where restricted funds may hinder covering publication fees: learn more about Cell Stress’ DevResearch Program.

Archiving and indexing

Long-term archiving of all published articles is secured through our partnership with the Austrian National Library where the version of record of all research articles is deposited. Cell Stress is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and currently indexed in several bibliographic databases, including Crossref, Google Scholar, Baidu Scholar, SHERPA/RoMEO, and J-Gate. Applications for inclusion in other indices are currently underway. >> Back to top

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